The JUM 109A is a heated FID analyzer that measures VOCs in industrial environmental andair emissions applications as well as in ambient air quality ambient air quality measurements. This gas analyzer is equipped with dual ovens. It continuously and simultaneously measures the concentration of methane hydrocarbons MHC, total hydrocarbons THC and non-methane hydrocarbons NMHC in a gas sample from industrial stack emissions, internal combustion engines or ambient air. The JUM 109A FID analyzer is fully compliant with EN 25140: 2010 and also complies with US-EPA methods 25A and 503.
Two versions of this analyzer are offered: the JUM 109A and the JUM 109A-OVE.
The JUM109A-OVE is a 100% identical version of the JUM 109 but at a 20% lower cost thanks to the use of a disposable sample filter in the heated oven.
The JUM 109A can be configured to use 100% H2 or 40% H2/He 60% fuel
There are also FID analyzers for the measurement of TVOC only: JUM 3-200 in portable version and JUM 3-500 in 19″ rack version
Available for rent:
CleanAir Europe offers the JUM 109A OVE for rental in two configurations H2 100% or He(60%)/H2(40%). A complete measurement system can be offered including: Sampling probe, sampling line, data logger, dilutor, standard gases/fuels.
See also