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Extreme-pressure water resistant calcium sulfonate grease | Ceran XM 100/220/220 Moly/460/720


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Thanks to its very sophisticated formula and performance reserves, Ceran XM 720 meets the most stringent industrial requirements set by industrial bearing manufacturers.

Excellent thermal and mechanical stability. It regains its original texture after cooling to ambient temperature.

Remarkable load resistance thanks to its naturally high extreme pressure and anti-wear properties.

Extraordinary water resistance, no significant loss of consistency is observed even with high amounts of water entering the grease.

Excellent anti-oxidation and anti-corrosion properties thanks to the very nature of the calcium sulfonates, also in the presence of sea water.

Ceran XM 720 does not contain lead, or other heavy metals considered harmful to human health and the environment.

The new generation of calcium sulfonate complex soap developed by TotalEnergies Lubrifiants allows Ceran XM 460 to present outstanding performances even at high nDm. This new generation keeps all benefits in terms of corrosion protection, bearings lifetime, high loads and thermal resistance.

Excellent anti-oxidation and anti-corrosion properties thanks to the excellent behaviour of the calcium sulfonates, also in the presence of sea water.

The new generation of calcium sulfonate complex soap allows to keep outstanding Ceran XM 460 performances even in case of high speed applications where normally polyurea or lithium complex greases are requested.

Ceran XM 460 does not contain lead, or other heavy metals considered harmful to human health and the environment.

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See also

Flexible abrasives Grindstones, Discs, Abrasive belts Finishing Grinding paste, Polishing paste Diamond-based abrasives Non-flexible abrasives Grit blasting Degreasing, Lubrifying


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