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Extract Pack BCB2003

Baling press

“ The ExtractPack, the first baler of its kind to combine baling and draining out-of-date beverage containers in one step. Traditional recycling bins, but at least 10 times more effective for managing recycling! ”
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Introducing the all-new ExtractPack Bottle Can Baling System from Harmony Enterprises. The ExtractPack and its array of revolutionary features make this baler a machine on the cutting edge. The ExtractPack is the first baler of its kind to combine baling and draining both aluminum and plastic containers in one step. The ExtractPack performs over 7 times faster than draining your containers manually.
Liquid control is managed by built-in splash guards that help reduce the mess caused by the total destruction of nearly 2,000 full plastic bottles or 4,000 aluminum cans. A large 51-gallon reservoir, located below the machine, collects the liquid being expelled from the baler and funnels it to the drain of your choosing or the optional sump pump can be used to contain it into a collection container. A TEFC (Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled) motor allows you to hose the entire machine down. Safety is always our concern, so the ExtractPack comes standard with state-of-the-art magnetically coded safety switches, the safest switch on the market. They guarantee complete closure of all doors during the compaction cycle.
The ExtractPack features Harmony Enterprises new “Shark’s Teeth” system. The ram face and chamber floor are lined with “Shark’s Teeth” to rip and puncture the material in the chamber to ensure proper baling and liquid removal. The ExtractPack, another great idea from Harmony Enterprises.
The ExtractPack has an optional sump pump system to help whisk away the liquid.
Specifications subject to change without notice.
Introducing the all-new ExtractPack Bottle Can Baling System from Harmony Enterprises. The ExtractPack and its array of revolutionary features make this baler a machine on the cutting edge. The ExtractPack is the first baler of its kind to combine baling and draining both aluminum and plastic containers in one step. The ExtractPack performs over 7 times faster than draining your containers manually. - See more at: http://harmony1.com/products/vertical-balers/bcb2003-extract-pack/#sthash.ofaDNNfp.dpuf

Bale Size: 24″ X 16″ X up to 24″ (610mm X 406mm X up to 610mm) Cycle Time: 45 Seconds Pump: 12 Gallon Motor: 10HP, TEFC Electrical Power: 208/230/460 Volt, 3PH, 60HZ Bale Ejection: Hydraulic Bale Tying: Wire or Polyethylene Strap Bale Size: 24″ X 16″ X up to 24″ (610mm X 406mm X up to 610mm) Chute Door Opening: 24″ x 21″ (610mm X 533mm) Overall Height: 131 1/2″ (3340mm)


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See also

Waste management Waste collection Woodchippers Shredders Plastic grinder Dynamic screening Waste recycling Waste collector


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