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Ethernet multifunction counter system

Other measuring systems

“ The intelligent Ethernet systems of the MSX-E series are particularly suited for applications directly in the field. Even in harsh industrial environment, the systems can acquire and process signals close the measuring point.They are easy to install and safe in operation. The configuration is done through a local website. The systems can be freely cascaded and synchronised in the µs range. Thus, data from several systems can be acquired and processed at the same time. The measurement data can be stored in a database without any programming skills. ”
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The intelligent Ethernet systems MSX-E17xx are equipped with 4 counter inputs for the acquisition of incremental or sin/cos encoders (1 Vss or 11 µAss) and 16 digital I/Os, 24 V. The compare logic of the counter allows to generate a trigger signal for the control of external systems. The Ethernet system can be configured with the integrated web server. They are equipped with an ARM 9 processor and a 64 MB SDRAM which allow data processing in the field.

Available functionality:

·     4 counter inputs 32-bit for the acquisition of incremental encoders (MSX-E1701), RS422 or 24 V inputs

·     4 counter inputs sin/cos for the acquisition of encoders with a 1 Vss (MSX-E1711) o 11 ?Ass (MSX-E1721) signal

·     Input frequency max. 5 MHz (MSX-E1701)

·     16 digital I/Os, as pairs of inputs or outputs


Advantages of the MSX-E systems
The MSX-E systems are available with following functionality: digital, analog, for transducers, temperature and multifunction counter system.

The Ethernet systems are extremely versatile and suitable for

·     Stand-Alone applications

·     Enhancement of a PLC


·     Extending an existing MES / ERP system

·     Connection to databases without any programming skills


The Ethernet systems of the series MSX-E cope daily stresses like current peak, vibrations, dirt or extended temperatures with following properties:

·     Robust metall housing

·     Degree of protection IP65

·     Extended temperature range -40°C to +85°C

·     Numerous protective circuits


By cascading and synchronization can be processed on a large number of signals.
SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) guarantees the communication with other intelligent network subscribers. The systems can be freely cascaded and synchronised in the µs range. You can thus process many signals.



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See also

Measuring systems Data acquisition systems Data acquisition systems Interferometer Sensing device Camera for industrial vision Accessories for machine vision


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