All products of ESBELT
Offers of ESBELT - Offers from 1 to 10 on 10
LPBE-1100-A LPBE-1100-A New Conveyor belt press, ligther
Portable press designed for the vulcanisation of termoplastic belts “in situ”. Max. belt width: 1.100 mm
LPCZ50 Portable transmission belt press LPCZ50
Easy-to-use portable press, for splicing transmission belts.
LPCZ100 Portable transmission belt press LPCZ100
Easy-to-use portable press for splicing transmisssion belts.
LPCZ30 "Clamp" type press for transmission belts LPCZ30
Easy-to-use portable press for splicing transmission belts
LPCE300 Transmission belt press LPCE300
A portable press for splicing transmission belts, providing an excellent finish.
LPBE-1100 LPBE-1100 Conveyor belt press
Designed for the vulcanisation of thermoplastic belts. Max. belt width: 1,100 mm
LPBE-1600A LPBE-1600A Lighter conveyor belt press
Designed for the vulcanisation of thermoplastic belts. Max. belt width: 1,600 mm
LPBE-600AC LPBE-600AC Conveyor belt press
Designed for the vulcanisation of thermoplastic belts. Max. belt width: 600 mm AIR COOLED