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Embedded Software Development Tools for Lexra Family

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Green Hills Software provides a comprehensive set of development tools for Lexra-based applications:

Optimizing Compilers>
Embedded C++ (EC++)
Run-Time libraries

MULTI® Integrated Development Environment
Source Level Debugger
Graphical Project Builder
Text Editor
Version Control System
Graphical Browser
Performance Profiler*
Run-Time Error Checking
Remote Target Connection

The Green Hills Probe™

Lexra Optimizing CompilersThe Green Hills™ Optimizing Compilers for Lexra all utilize a common code generator with architecture-specific optimizations. Each supported Lexra model has its own particular pipeline and instruction set characteristics. Lexra-specific supported features include:
Processor - One option for each supported Lexra model. This setting determines the instructions permitted, as well as the pipeline optimization strategy used.Position Independent Code (PIC) and Data (PID)- Allows code and data to be created which can be placed anywhere in memory and still run correctly.PIC Compatible Code - Generate code in a mode such that it can be linked compatibly with PIC and PIC modules and libraries.64-bit Integers - Supports 64-bit data types, constants, and expressions for Lexra processors that have 64-bit registers.Far Function Calls - Handles code that exceeds the limits of the Lexra call instruction.Inline Prologue - Generate inlined code or call a routine when saving and restoring registers.Small Data Area - Like most RISC processors, Lexra requires two 32-bit instructions to access data stored at an arbitrary 32-bit address. The Green Hills compilers collect frequently accessed variables into a block of up to 64K of memory. This enables single instruction access to data within this block, saving code size and improving performance.Run-Time libraries A complete implementation of the C, C++, and EC++ libraries are included in compiler distributions. Full featured start-up code and libraries include automatic copy of data from ROM to RAM and system call emulation. Source code to the run-time libraries is available so that users can customize routines according to the special needs of their applications.
The MULTI Integrated Development EnvironmentMULTI provides a host-based (Windows 9x/NT/2000 PC or UNIX workstation) graphical environment for Lexra target development. Host-target connectivity is provided through a variety of means, depending on the target environment: Bare Board Access (No RTOS or ROM Monitor) - MULTI supports targets connected through JTAG headers on the board.ROM Monitor - MULTI supports Lexra targets with the PMON monitor.Commercial RTOS Support - MULTI supports Lexra boards running ThreadX® from Express Logic, and Tornado™/VxWorks® from Wind River Systems. MULTI provides multitask-aware debugging, and special commands that allow tasks to be stopped upon system events such as task creation.Custom RTOS Support - MULTI can be interfaced with a custom RTOS through integration of the Green Hills INDRT API. INDRT provides all the debug information needed by MULTI, and is easily integrated into user code.Instruction Set Simulator - The Instruction Set Simulator for Lexra interpretively executes Lexra programs on the host PC or UNIX workstation without the need for target hardware by simulating the execution of the target processor at the instruction level. The Instruction Set Simulator provides full debug features, host I/O, command window, extended profiling and hardware breakpoints. It also simulates target CPU cache for those processors which support it.


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