As the circuits in embedded system designs become more sophisticated, you must measure a multitude of different parameters to validate your design. The Tektronix DMM4020 5.5 digit bench multimeter offers a broad range of functions in one easy-to-use instrument.
Typical multimeter measurements – volts, ohms, and amps – are made with a basic VDC accuracy of up to 0.015%, ensuring you have the performance you need for your design. You can also use the DMM4020 to measure frequency, and to perform continuity and diode tests. This allows you to replace your counter, continuity tester, and DMM with one versatile instrument, saving bench space and cost.
Measure Nanoampere SignalsMeasuring standby current in today’s energy-efficient designs requires looking at very low currents, often in the microamp or nanoamp range. Using a traditional multimeter for this measurement can lead to inaccurate results since they typically employ the shunt resistance technique for measuring current.
The DMM4020 offers an improved method for measuring low currents. By using a current-to-voltage op amp technique, the DMM4020 can make current measurements with 1 nA of resolution and with minimal loading affect on the circuit under test, giving results that reflect real-world operation of the device.
Available Functions and Features
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