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Density Profile Measuring System: STENOGRAPH

Level sensors

TesT – Reaction torque sensors with flange – connections are often used as fixtures for static and quasi-static torque measurements. Between 0,1 Nm and 5000 Nm 12 graded sensors are available. They...

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The wish of operators and technologists in the wood-based panel industry to scan the raw density profile online during the running production has been regarded as impractical for many years.

By means of the GreCon Inline Raw Density Profile Measuring System StenOgraph, it is possible for the first time to scan the raw density profile, as one of the most important criteria of the quality of particle board and fibreboard, online after continuous presses.
This enables the operator to influence the raw density profile and thus the features of MDF and particle board during the production process.

Shorter running-in times of new production plants and during product changes as well as an optimised production process lead to substantial savings in cost and material while the panel quality is improved.


A focussed x-ray beam (1) penetrates the panel (2) in an angle of 45°. A detector (3), which can be moved parallel to the transmission axis, measures the density-dependent scattered radiation. A static detector (4) measures the transmitted radiation. The StenOgraph system calculates the raw density at every point of the cross section (independent of the structure of the environment) from the combination of both measuring signals.


The solid O-frame, which is made out of extruded, anodised aluminium profile, was developed especially for the GreCon Online Raw Density Measuring System, StenOgraph. An optimum construction of guiding system and sliding rail for the measuring device guarantees a long service life of the system. Cabling and pneumatics are integrated in the patented profile of the O-frame and are thus protected against damage.

Measuring Device:

In the case that there are blisters which exceed the height in the measuring area, the top part of the measuring device can be moved out of the way.


The interface between operator and measuring system is the software of the system. Significant graphical representations as well as logical and comprehensible processing of the data is of utmost importance. GreCon are aware of the importance of this and provide comfortable visualisation software.

The visualisation software offers, among others, the following functions:

- Measurement and simultaneous graphical representation of the current raw density profile.

- After completion of a measurement, the colour of the graph changes, and the old profile is superimposed by the new one.

- The measurement of the raw density profile being independent of the position, parts of the panel thickness may be analysed separately, e. g. limited areas in the case of abnormally low raw densities.

- The X-axis is automatically adapted to the panel thickness.


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See also

Sensors Light sensors Speed sensors Current sensors Measurement-data recording Force sensors Other travel sensors Vision sensors


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