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Data Collection - B-Net 95 40

Terminals, Telephones

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The new B-Net 95 40 SFDC terminal with the B-Client PDC3 terminal software is the first SFDC terminal of Kaba Benzing’s new B-Net Terminal Series. The terminal’s large graphic display is especially appealing to the user giving ample space for individual information display.

The production and machine data collection terminal provides up to 15 programmable collection processes.

As a standard feature the terminal can store up to 2,000 master records and 8,000 booking records or 3,500 master records and 3,000 booking records. With the ’master record extension’ up to 10,000 master records and 50,000 booking records can be stored. Data is collected contact-free with a LEGIC reader, however, other reading methods such as inductive, mag-stripe, Mifare, Hitac, etc. are also feasible.

To record job numbers via barcode, an external CCD hand scanner is connected as a second reader. With the help of function keys and soft keys, the user is able to complete additional tasks, such as recording attendance times, logging on and off jobs, recording piece numbers and scrap, entering malfunction reasons, and recording set up times. A convenient list selection feature is available e.g. for malfunction reasons or cost center changes.

With its Ethernet interface the B-Net 95 40 can be easily integrated into existing IT structures. It supplies all necessary actual data about states and processes within a company. In this way it is especially suitable for medium-sized manufacturers and large enterprises.


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