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Cylinder lubricating oil measurement

Liquid flowmeters

“ Far Too Much Lubrication.License to print money. ”
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High operating costs reduce the profits of merchant shipping companies. KRAL Volumeters guarantee the precise measurement of cylinder lubrication oil for diesel engines. This yields major savings in ship operating costs.

The precision of cylinder lubrication in diesel engines determines their service life. Until now the volume of lube oil has not been regulated, but has merely been estimated from the injector geometry. Our measurements have shown that significant discrepancies can occur between the actual figures and the
engine manufacturers’ specifications. Overlubrication damages the pistons and cylinders. Furthermore, unused, high-grade oil ends up in the used oil tank via the overflow oil line. What a waste! KRAL enables the specifications to be closely and easily matched by precisely measuring and regulating the volume of lube oil. A great deal of money can be saved in this way. License to Print Money.

Overlubrication can cause additional costs of up to USD 277.000 per ship per year. The KRAL cylinder lubricating oil measurement allows the volume of lube oil to be regulated extremely accurately and helps to save expensive lube oil.

KRAL Volumeter and KRAL electronic systems for optimal regulation of the volume of cylinder lubrication oil.


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See also

Flow sensors Flowmeters (gas) Gas flowmeters Coriolis flow meter Thermal flow meter Vortex effect flow meter  Floater fitted flow meter  Pitot tube flow meter 


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