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Convenience ATMs: NCR Easypoint™ 3600

Network equipment

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They say you can’t put a price on progress. Well do you know what… you can. And it doesn’t cost very much at all. Especially when it comes in the ultra-reliable shape of the NCR Easypoint 3600.

More than capable of doing everything you and your customers could possibly want today, this remarkably cost-effective, most reliable cash dispenser on the market has future functionality built in.

Right now, the NCR Easypoint 3600 will let you generate high impact on-screen graphics that won’t just make your automated teller machines (ATMs) stand out from the crowd, but will make your competitors look positively flat by comparison. Its state-of-the-art Intel XScale Processor, meanwhile, opens the door to a whole new world of consumer enticing, revenue generating applications developed in Windows CE. Talk about growing room, with the NCR Easypoint 3600 the sky is the limit.

Its current capability isn’t exactly what you’d call limited either. Every NCR Easypoint 3600, for instance, comes equipped with a generous 64 MB of on board memory, a Compact Flash Card Port that enables you to upgrade system software, transaction graphics and electronic journals faster and more conveniently than ever before, and NCR’s Hawk Cash Dispensing Mechanism. Offering the choice of one to four cassettes, it provides everything you need to cater for the increased transaction volumes that are sure to follow. You’re good to go!


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See also

Network Cables Switches Servers HDMI cable Mono audio cable Cable jack Cable for peripherals


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