Greene, Tweed's Wear Material family of products helps pump users extend MTBF (Mean Time Between Failure). The low coefficient of friction and nongalling/nonseizing characteristics of the WR® (Wear Resistant) materials give pump users the ability to cut running clearances in half without the fear of damaging expensive metal components. Reduced clearances minimize recirculation, thereby maximizing rotor stability and pump efficiency. Utilizing Greene, Tweed's WR materials allows pump users to minimize shaft run out, deflection and vibration, cutting energy consumption and improving reliability.
Our AR®1 (Abrasive Resistant) materials withstand heavy abrasives, harsh chemicals and intermittent dry-run conditions. AR materials are excellent cost-effective solutions for seawater, river water and some slurry services. AR1 outperforms metallic, carbon, graphite and rubber cutlass products in these applications and can be used for bushings and bowl rings in sump applications.
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