BERT and Impairment Generator: Turn-key test systems for BER characterization of broadband transmission systems.
Cellular and Parametric Test: Aeroflex offers a wide selection of cellular test sets addressing both mobile and base station test applications.
Infrastructure Test: Testing solutions for 3G infrastructure developers and 3G network operators to assist them in debugging new network features, interoperability analysis, regression testing, network stress testing, acceptance testing, quality of service analysis, and network performance optimization.
Military Communications: In government communications, we provided the first multi-functional multi-radio integrated test set (AN/GRM-114) fielded for the US Armed Forces.
Radio Test Sets - PMR Test: Aeroflex offers a wide selection of PMR test sets addressing both mobile and repeater test applications.
Telecommunications: Designed to cover error performance and network equipment measurements from data rates to 140 Mbit/s in both hand-held and desktop instruments.
Wireless R&D and Conformance Test: Let us help you find the right product for your 2.5G and 3G technology testing needs.
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