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Time management supplies

“ * For travellers, it may be easily set at local time without having to change your laptop computer's time. * Every morning, when you start your computer, it reminds you the list of appointments for the day and following day. * At time you have given for leaving to an appointment a powerful bell warns you. * In case you want a real waking you enter the time (that may be next morning), and the bell will be repeated every 20 seconds until you click on the stopping button. * Available in English and French. ”
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You are wrapped in your work, and you forget time for an appointment or for getting your children at school!
You travel in a country where you don't speak the language, and you are afraid that you may not be awaken on time!
You are informed about an event that is three months ahead, and when it occurs, you have completely forgotten about it!

CLOCK is there for reminding you.

This software can be downloaded after paying 40 Euros only through PAYPAL (once only for each company).

See also

Industrial bags and cases Stationery - Paper, Forms, Envelopes Stationery - Pens, Pencils, Markers Small office supplies Stamps Marking Boards Office equipment


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