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“ ✔ Screw clamp ✔ 2-lug clamp ”
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Clamps, marketed by SENGA, are used in various fields of application to ensure that pipes are held in position. They are available in two types: with screws or with two lugs.
The screw clamps can be equipped with an Aluzink body (CB series) with a smooth solid band or with a stainless steel body AISI 316 W5 (CBX series). They are used in various sectors such as compressed air, non-aggressive fluids (CB), aggressive environments and chemicals (CBX).
The 2-lug clamps are available with a white zinc-plated steel body (CO series) or a stainless steel body AISI 304 W4 (COX series). They are recommended for various applications: compressed air, non-aggressive fluids (CO), aggressive environments, chemicals (COX).


Range of application: compressed air, non-aggressive fluids, aggressive environments, chemicals Clamping range: from 5 to 70 (depending on model) Materials: steel - zinc plated; stainless steel; Aluzink (CB series)

Industry Compressed air Aggressive or non-aggressive fluids Chemicals Industrial pneumatics


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See also

Fastening, Fixation Crimping nut Rivets Blind rivet Standard rivet Circlip Stud Threaded rod


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