All products of CELCO PROFIL SRL
Offers of CELCO PROFIL SRL - Offers from 1 to 10 on 10
Slip ring system
The rotating electrical slip ring is an electromechanical device that allows the transmission of […]
Mercury slip ring : MERCOTAC
It’s a slip ring that thanks to the conductivity of the mercury transfer the signals from a rotary to a […]
Monobloc slip ring
The monobloc slip ring is made of a printed slip ring with bronze rings and glass resin. The final […]
Modular slip ring
The modular slip ring is composed of different number of rings (made of fibre glass nylon). Thanks to […]
The Celcotc is a special type of modular collector composed of a central body made of a modular […]
Linear collector
The linear collector is a special device used for linear movement usually in trailers for stocking […]
Contactless collectors
Thanks to the 30 years of experience in the automation field, Celco Profil S.r.l. grew its knowledge in […]
Rotary transmitter of logical signals : MICROTAC
It’s a rotary transmitter of logical signals, that use various type of microsensor. Many combination […]