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Blank labels - Blank labels on a roll

Blank polyamide label

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Blank label rolls directly from the manufacturer

The range of applications for self-adhesive labels, also commonly called 'stickers', varies from industry to industry and from product to product. It is important to know precisely what the requirements are for the blank labels before starting the labelling process. The surface onto which to paste the labels will, for instance, determine the correct label adhesive and material. Smooth surfaces such as glass (e.g. wine bottles) will often demand solutions different from those for rough substrates such as cardboard. Labels will sometimes also need to be watertight and UV resistant should they be exposed to wind and weather, yet remain legible for longer periods. Blank labels are most commonly used where product traceability is required and for reasons of internal and external logistics. Sequential numbers, individual codes, legally prescribed information and marketing contents are usually printed on the blank labels by a label printer.

Eco-friendly: Labels without backing

The environment is your concern? It is ours too! This is why we offer labels without a backing, i.e. with no siliconized release paper. This means no unnecessary waste as you label. We look forward to discussing with you our wide range of products.

See also

Non-printed labels Blank polyester label


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