For successful experiments, insist that your pipette tips are completely inert and won't interfere with your results. "Contamination-free" isn't enough.
To assure your tips free of any bioactive components – make sure they're BioClean. From raw material selection, clean production to automated packaging, Rainin BioClean tips are guaranteed to be pure and completely safe.
Class 100,000 Production
Rainin BioClean tips are manufactured in a fully automated, class 100,000 clean room facility. To assure absolute purity, no additives or dyes are used, and ISO 9001-compliant manufacturing procedures to eliminate all external sources of contamination.
Quality Tested, Assured
BioClean tips are rigorously tested using the most sophisticated procedures available. Each lot is carefully evaluated to assure that even the smallest amount of DNA, DNase, ATP, Pyrogens, PCR inhibitors, trace materials, trace organics are detected.