This Automation Kit can turn the HandySCAN 3D and MetraSCAN 3D portable 3D scanner families into fully fledged solutions for automated quality control (AQC) applications. Outfitted with a collaborative robot (cobot) and all related equipment, the actual workstation allows the operator to use the 3D scanners in portable mode as well as in automated mode. A safe solution that is easy to both install and deploy.
True model of interconnectedness, the solution interfaces seamlessly with the VXscan-R digital twin environment and thus becomes an all-in-one, user-friendly system for anyone to use, even workers who are unaccustomed or unfamiliar with the technology. And with features such as a smaller footprint, a light and compact design, and an affordable total cost of ownership, the Hybrid Solution is part of a noble effort to democratize access to automated solutions and automation as a whole.
Toute l'industrie
Demande de devis pour un kit d'automatisation