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Automated Powder and Liquid Dosing : Quantos

Metering units

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Automated dosing and weighing reduces the minimum sample weight of your balance by up to 30%. Nanoparticles, fine powders, granules and heterogeneous mixes are suitable for dispensing.

See the differences between the volumetric and gravimetric preparation of solutions.  Find out how GraviPrep effectively relieves your daily workload in the laboratory

With Quantos you can dose directly, precisely and automatically into different containers, thus preventing sample spillage and loss on transfer.

Quantos is ideal for weighing fine, fluffy, static, compacted, granular, and heterogeneous substances. We’ve tested thousands of substances to become experts in automated powder weighing. Each head is our response to a specific problem / application.

Dispense from 1 mg to grams of liquids in seconds. Liquid source vessel available in 25 mL, 250 mL, 500 mL, 1000 mL; pressure-tight bottles. Up to 5 liquids, daisy-chained.

Add the liquid dispensing module to prepare solutions. For medium throughput dispensing of powder and liquid the QS30 AutoSampler processes up to 30 vials per run. Upgrades from XP/XPE balances possible.

Intelligent weighing at your fingertips. Simple operation from the color touch screen. Simply enter the desired target weight or concentration, and Quantos does the rest.

LabX laboratory software provides flexible SOP user guidance on the balance touchscreen. With automatic data handling, calculations and reports, Quantos systems powered by LabX easily fulfill the highest process security and traceability requirements and support your moves towards a paperless lab.

Have your nearest sales representative test your own substances and demo the instrument on site.

Get more from your balance: Choose from a wide range of accessories to optimize weighing processes, increase efficiency, and improve ergonomics.



Check out all the products from category metering units

See also

Laboratory scales and balances Crushers Dispersers Laboratory sample distributor Centrifuge Sieves Microscopes Reactors


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