TX2touch is the only cobot with the SIL3/PLe safety level. It is highly productive due to the performance, smart connectivity and reliability inherited from TX2 robots and its CS9 controller. ...
“ * Solution is based on EFM standard - Native Ethernet- Symmetrical bandwidth * No need to dig fiber, thereby reducing deployment time and cost; product capitalizes on the existing copper infrastructure * 2BASE-TL bonding offers significantly lower overhead than traditional standards, while allowing copper lines to come and go without breaking the traffic * CPs can be added as customer growth evolves. Also, more Alcatel-Lucent 1531 CLASs can be added without interrupting traffic when the customer base or capacity need increases ”
The Alcatel-Lucent 1531 Copper Line Access Switch (CLAS) Ethernet bonded copper access platform is an innovative Ethernet-in-the-First-Mile (EFM) product that delivers managed symmetrical bandwidth and services at rates up to 45 Mb/s over existing copper pairs utilizing standards-based 2BASE-TL technology. High-end Ethernet services can be delivered over voice-grade copper at full carrier serving area (CSA) distances and beyond.
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