EURO PLAST is a clear, colourless, chloride-free air entraining liquid with plasticising effect, fully soluble in water, which improves the workability and plasticity of concrete and mortar.
EURO PLAST helps obtain more flexible, more workable, more adhesive mixtures with no bleeding.
Thanks to the texture it gives to mixtures, it allows them to achieve perfect moulding on all forms of surfaces, improved pouring and smoother appearance.
EURO PLAST has side effects on mass waterproofing, water reducing, antifreeze mortars, coatings and concretes, with no impact on the setting properties of the cement.
• Prevents bubbling (honeycomb) and bleeding.
• Facilitates the implementation of concrete and increases its strength.
• Does not attack metal reinforcements.
• Improves resistance to frost.
• Restricts bleeding and segregation.