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Advanced Reporting Messaging


“ The Advanced Reporting Messaging application empowers you to manage your messaging networks based on factual data assisting you in your effort to lower your operating costs. * Maintain service levels through data driven planning and management * Capture business intelligence that is timely and actionable through aggregation and analysis of operational data * Develop new marketing campaigns based on analysis of utilization, trends and popularity of messaging features * Track effectiveness of new marketing campaigns * Reduce costs by identifying and re-deploying underutilized messaging resources ”
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The Advanced Reporting Messaging application supports service providers efforts to efficiently manage messaging networks to maximize resource usage and reduce costs. It is flexible and easy to use, offering pre-defined reports on traffic and usage across complex networks of any size. Traffic, capacity and utilization statistics can be aggregated on a city, regional or network basis so service provider personnel can get the information needed to perform their jobs. Reports can be viewed using most standard browsers. For further manipulation and analysis, reports can be exported directly into Microsoft® Excel*.


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