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Advanced Manifold Technology : OPTI-FLO®

Mold ejectors

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Superior material flow and processing require engineered solutions. The negative effects of flow imbalance caused by material shear can significantly reduce your ability to compete. Opti-Flo® systems, exclusive to INCOE®, are engineered on a custom basis to resolve these issues before production begins.

Engineered Performance :
The Opti-Flo® design, incorporated into select INCOE® manifolds, feature BTI's patented MeltFlipper® melt rotation technology. Opti-Flo® manifolds are the first scientifically engineered hot runners available on the market. The technology provides homogeneous melt distribution and balanced filling to all cavities while avoiding invasive and restrictive mixers.

The Opti-Flo® manifold systems replace the common practice of creating melt temperature variations in the nozzles to balance cavity filling. The result is improved cavity- to-cavity consistency and product quality.

R&D Advancements :

Complimenting our commitment to advancing hot runner technology, Beaumont Technologies Inc., developers of the MeltFlipper® melt rotation technology, is an extension of INCOE®'s R&D program. The exclusive global partnership is designed to further the development of melt management technology in hot runner systems. INCOE®'s support allows BTI to accelerate further development in the unique and new understanding of shear effects on injection molded products and how to maximize the effects for improved performance in hot runner systems.

Nozzle Design :
Systems can utilize either our threaded DFQ nozzles, or our compression fit DFX nozzles.

Shot Weights :
6 nozzle types processing up to 9000g shot weights. Nozzles are identified by runner/ channel sized in mm as follows


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See also

Nozzle Heat canals Mold closures


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