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Active Isolation System - AIS

Other vibration prevention systems

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The AIS™ consists of a PLC, CAN-Bus, 16 bit-Controllers, High Speed electropneumatic servovalves and BiAir air springs and/or HAB horizontal air springs. A range of sizes are available for both the vertical and horizontal air springs. One 16 bitcontroller and one High Speed electro-pneumatic servovalve is used for each air spring or group of air springs. The AIS™ works with a minimum of 3 groups (degrees or freedom) to a maximum of 6 groups (degrees of freedom).

The 16 bitcontrollercan be mounted directly to the air-spring itself orto the machine, in the same direction as the isolator motion. Located Inside the 16 bit-controller is a microprocessor, a position sensor (resolution 0,2 μm), an acceleration sensor (resolution 8 μg) and an air-pressure sensor (resolution 0,2 mbar). The signals from each of these sensors will be sampled at the rate of 4 kHz. Since each 16 bit-controller has a microprocessor with specially developed control algorithms alongwith a special high dynamic pneumatic servo valve, the resultingperformance is a very efficient realtime control and no feedforward signal is required.The 16 bit-controllers are connected by a CAN-BUS to thePLC. The PLC can be connected to a PC by a standard RS-232 for initial set-up and diagnosis.

The primary function of thePLC is to manage and watch over the 16-bit controllers. Inaddition, the PLC has digital Inputs and Outputs, for example; Ready, Motion Complete, Inspection of Position, Pressure andPower Supply, Switch over from Scanning Mode to LoadingMode, Emergency Stop.

The PLC also provides the possibility to switch from scanning mode to loading mode by using a digital I/O. The PLC takes care of downloading all of the necessary parameters to each 16 bit-controller to achieve the two different modes. The advantage of providing two different modes is the performance of the system can be optimized for each mode.

For example, during scanning mode when machine is performing sensitive operations the system should be very soft and not be very aggressive otherwise forces created by the isolation system can affect the machine performance. During loading mode, level accuracy and shortest possible settling times are the most important factors and a very stiff, fast and aggressive system will provide the best performance.



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See also

Vibration absorbers, Antishock systems Shock absorber Anti-vibration table Elastomer suspension


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