Skin foam is characterized by open cells inside and closed cells outside forming a true skin.
In general use for conventional applications like steering wheels, gear shift pommels, instrument panels and armrests, we also use it to for to add good looks and comfort to technical parts.
For more than 20 years we have been present in all the cockpits of the Airbus range (A300, A320, A340, A400M, A380, ATR…) – work tops, ceiling lights, visors, pylon trims…
Our laboratory has created about thirty different formulations to modify flexibility, density, strength, fire resistance (FAR 25 853b; ABD0031; ATS1000; …), UV resistance, colour fastness, etc...
Our silicone moulding technology means we can implement the most complex projects and ensure faultless execution of the finest details.
artial and Total integration of structures made from metal, composite, wood, etc. in foam are our speciality and our metal-working shop further reinforces our reactivity when managing your project.
Our foams with skin can be coloured in the mass or painted (in the bottom of the mould or a rework) to meet your needs. We can match your colours from a sample or a master, reproduce your leather colours and imitate aluminium …
In terms of aspect, the skin foam associated with our silicone moulds mean that the type and quality of surface finishes (grained leather, grained painting, imitation wood, aluminium, imitation stitching, logos, etc.) is virtually unlimited.
Lastly, we developed and patented a special process marrying skin foam for comfort and aspect with a rigid foam to replace the traditional structures steel or composite.
This dual component complex especially developed for the A380 airbus in a preoccupation of economy and a weight saving, allured from now on many customers and brings ideal solutions as soon as the technical stresses (not easily realizable complex forms in another technology), the stresses of mass or economic are your priorities.
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